August 5th:
I know I'm a day behind...
I used to go for a lot of walks in the woods and just spend time in nature. It seemed to keep me balanced and remind me of how amazing life really is in spite of all the harsh things going on around us. I enjoyed taking pictures of the first signs of spring and marveling at how a tree had the determination to grow up from beneath a boulder.
These are all things I'm hoping to partake in again come starting in 2016 and maybe a little bit more with what I have left of the nice weather yet this year.
My husband and I used to walk around at Whitnall park a lot and sit in the gardens and watch the deer emerge from the woods at sunset to graze in the field. Or watch the doe's pluck the magnolia blossoms from the trees. If you want to slow down in your crazy life, just sit somewhere and watch nature just be... it's more telling of how we're supposed to be than anything else. All the creatures have their own slow little agendas but for the most part, they just live. Wouldn't it be nice to do less and just live a little bit more?
Comment as Sara St.John...