August 17th:
With preseason football underway I can't help but think about summer coming to a close and fall closing in on us. I love fall. The colors, the smells, the crock pot cranked on high with dinner in it... To me, that defines fall. Hoodie weather is great too. As much as I love my summer dresses and shorts and tank tops, there's something so wonderful about a hoodie and jeans. It's so comfortable.
There's a part in you've got mail when Meg Ryan's character talks about a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils and how much she loves New York in the fall. I've never been to New York but I understand what she means. The smell of the turning leaves falling from the trees, the crisp mornings where the air smells so fresh. I love it.
I just don't like what happens after all the leaves have fallen and a hoodie won't cut it for the temperatures outside. I try not to think about winter, as it is my least favorite of all. I merely survive it rather than thrive through it.
I even like all of the fall decorations. Fall is so symbolic of life. It makes me think of John 12:24, "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." Jesus said that. He was also referencing himself.
But if we don't go through fall, we don't have the beauty that follows in spring. Winter can be rough if you live in a colder region (ahem) but the beauty that unfolds once the snow melts- it's quite lovely, I look forward to it each year.
So here's to fall and all the beautiful colors! All the smells, the school buses and hoodie weather. A most colorful display of God's design.
Comment as Sara St.John...