August 14th:
I believe as humans we thrive best in conditions where love and kindness are present. You know the kind where no one is keeping track of who owes who and who did what. I know in the bible it also says to forgive and not to keep a record of wrongs.
If I'm being completely honest, I'll say it's hard. It's hard to do all of that. But I've found when I don't keep track of either, life is a whole lot less stressful. It's a heavy burden to not forgive, especially when the offense is huge! Because we forgive it doesn't mean that we're condoning the offense, we're doing ourselves a favor by unloading the burden, especially when we unload the burden at the foot of the cross.
I have some stuff to unload there, I always do. It's a daily choice to let it go. I could be really generic and say let go and let God but that doesn't always sum it up otherwise it would probably be easier.
I've stopped keeping track of the good things I do and I refuse to anticipate getting something back because either way my Father in heaven sees everything I do.
And forgiveness, well, I'm working on that. It's a daily choice for me. My husband and I have had many talks about living from a place of forgiveness in our marriage but that also ties in with striving not to make offenses either. So that each night when our heads hit the pillow next to one another, there's nothing between us but love.
I strive to forgive myself each day for the places I fall short too because I'm only human and there was only one perfect human that ever walked this earth, Jesus. It's because of Him that I have forgiveness with my Father. Because of this, it is my duty and aim to forgive others as quickly as possible.
It's truly a beautiful thing, the weight that you wind up not carrying around!
So the next time you're offended or hurt, quickly forgive and notice the difference immediately. Life is too bloody short to be angry and hurt all the time, you miss out on so much living in hurt rather than forgiveness.
God bless you all!
Comment as Sara St.John...