August 16th:
Friendships should be easy, in theory. But given the times, even with all the different forms of communication, I think they're more difficult now than ever. With out emails, text messaging and Skype, we were nearly forced to sit across from one another to communicate! Quite the concept, isn't it? Through that means of communication, we develop a deeply personal relationship, leaving you desiring, at some point later, communion with that person when you're apart.
When all you have is a screen or a blank page or a cell phone, how can you build that sense of "attachment?" The closeness is missing. The chemistry. The camaraderie. The pauses in your conversations is mere traveling time through space- from one machine to another. -Not necessarily pauses for laughter. And the tone that gets lost in the travel too can really twist mere jokes into harsh and harmful insults.
Where did the face time go? I'm not taking about Apple's invention. I'm talking that real- I'm looking at you, you're looking at me and we can read each other and laugh or even share bad news but at least maybe it's followed by a hug...
We've all sold out for- "I'm too busy" or "nobody had time for that" but really we're the fools. People have developed disorders that never existed before the dawn of hard core technology. We used to look at one another. We're in the age of- I must be doing something at all times.
Friendships are so vital but have been likened to yesterday's newspapers, there's no attachment there. If the phone stops beeping with text messages or the inbox on email isn't full, what's the difference? You hardly knew each other that well anymore, any way? You find something or someone else to replace them, just as disposable as most of the other disposable garbage in the world.
Here's a thought, when someone new moved into the neighborhood- the existing neighbours would go visit and welcome them. Maybe even being them home made cookies.
My husband and I did that. We had some neighbors move in above us, we knocked on the door and introduced ourselves. You know what happened? They looked at us like we were crazy! But you know what, we tried. I remember when I was a kid I'd go to my neighbors house and knock on the door to see if they could come out and play. I miss that. The simplicity. Friendships actually meant something. I'm sure we all have friendships that aren't disposable, I do. My biggest one is my husband. But I think too often, against technology's supposed design, it works far more against us rather than for us.
Stop by and visit a friend this coming week, they may need you far more than you know.
Comment as Sara St.John...