August 15th:
After many days of humid and hotter weather and an air conditioner begging for a break, we finally have that break! I am not one to complain about the warmer temps but I'm not a fan at the cost of our sanity...
Our dear little bundle Lily has made it quite clear she's not a fan of hot weather or air conditioners. Today is the first day in a while where she has been back to her normal, fairly cheerful self, due to the drop in temperature. And we know this because this has been how it is historically for her. She also doesn't like winter! - which we seem to have here at least 8 months out of the year. So there is this small window where all is perfect and well and I love these days! I cherish them!
So where on earth does one move to where the humidity is low and its in the 50's-70's? I pray one day God will move us to this mythological place where we have a happy child but for now we get by as best as we can...
Comment as Sara St.John...