August 20th:
The majority of the time much of our lives is out of our control. I believe that's why we struggle and strive so hard against this hard reality. It seems though the harder we fight against something the harder it chases after us.
I was pretty well dead set on not having another child after Lily. I can't lie, this has been the hardest, most challenging thing I've ever done. My husband would agree it's the hardest thing we've ever done. It's been greatly rewarding at the same time too, the triumphs and victories have been that much sweeter.
So when we found out a few months ago that we were pregnant again I was filled with a mix of emotions. One of the emotions being terror. Given our particular set of circumstances, there is a 1 in 4 chance that we would have another child like Lily. While we wouldn't give Lily back for the world, it's as I said before, the most difficult thing we've ever done.
Every child deserves to be celebrated and we will celebrate this child's life regardless of its generic code-if you will... I've grown over the last almost 4 months in my acceptance of this pregnancy, we've had ultrasounds, I've cried each time seeing this new little baby on the screen- wondering who it is or what the baby will be like. My arms have only begun to ache in anticipation and hope for holding it near to me. We've had tests regarding various trisomy's and thus far everything has come back clear.
I'm merely praying God would have mercy on us, that this child would be healthy and develop on a "normal" time schedule. Oh what a cause to rejoice that would be- just when my husband and I slipped away into quiet resignation. Here we have a new blessing to rejoice about. Even if this child turns out to have the same abnormality Lily has, we both know God is still good. We haven't been punished, we just know that we were the right two people for the task and God equipped us.
Please, if you are willing, rejoice with us in welcoming this new baby February, 2016 and say a few prayers for this baby too.
God is the ultimate gift giver and children are an amazing gift to cherish.
The majority of the time much of our lives is out of our control. I believe that's why we struggle and strive so hard against this hard reality. It seems though the harder we fight against something the harder it chases after us.
I was pretty well dead set on not having another child after Lily. I can't lie, this has been the hardest, most challenging thing I've ever done. My husband would agree it's the hardest thing we've ever done. It's been greatly rewarding at the same time too, the triumphs and victories have been that much sweeter.
So when we found out a few months ago that we were pregnant again I was filled with a mix of emotions. One of the emotions being terror. Given our particular set of circumstances, there is a 1 in 4 chance that we would have another child like Lily. While we wouldn't give Lily back for the world, it's as I said before, the most difficult thing we've ever done.
Every child deserves to be celebrated and we will celebrate this child's life regardless of its generic code-if you will... I've grown over the last almost 4 months in my acceptance of this pregnancy, we've had ultrasounds, I've cried each time seeing this new little baby on the screen- wondering who it is or what the baby will be like. My arms have only begun to ache in anticipation and hope for holding it near to me. We've had tests regarding various trisomy's and thus far everything has come back clear.
I'm merely praying God would have mercy on us, that this child would be healthy and develop on a "normal" time schedule. Oh what a cause to rejoice that would be- just when my husband and I slipped away into quiet resignation. Here we have a new blessing to rejoice about. Even if this child turns out to have the same abnormality Lily has, we both know God is still good. We haven't been punished, we just know that we were the right two people for the task and God equipped us.
Please, if you are willing, rejoice with us in welcoming this new baby February, 2016 and say a few prayers for this baby too.
God is the ultimate gift giver and children are an amazing gift to cherish.
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