Monday, August 24, 2015

August 20th

Sara St.John

1 hrEdited
August 20th:
The majority of the time much of our lives is out of our control. I believe that's why we struggle and strive so hard against this hard reality. It seems though the harder we fight against something the harder it chases after us.
I was pretty well dead set on not having another child after Lily. I can't lie, this has been the hardest, most challenging thing I've ever done. My husband would agree it's the hardest thing we've ever done. It's been greatly rewarding at the same time too, the triumphs and victories have been that much sweeter.
So when we found out a few months ago that we were pregnant again I was filled with a mix of emotions. One of the emotions being terror. Given our particular set of circumstances, there is a 1 in 4 chance that we would have another child like Lily. While we wouldn't give Lily back for the world, it's as I said before, the most difficult thing we've ever done.
Every child deserves to be celebrated and we will celebrate this child's life regardless of its generic code-if you will... I've grown over the last almost 4 months in my acceptance of this pregnancy, we've had ultrasounds, I've cried each time seeing this new little baby on the screen- wondering who it is or what the baby will be like. My arms have only begun to ache in anticipation and hope for holding it near to me. We've had tests regarding various trisomy's and thus far everything has come back clear.
I'm merely praying God would have mercy on us, that this child would be healthy and develop on a "normal" time schedule. Oh what a cause to rejoice that would be- just when my husband and I slipped away into quiet resignation. Here we have a new blessing to rejoice about. Even if this child turns out to have the same abnormality Lily has, we both know God is still good. We haven't been punished, we just know that we were the right two people for the task and God equipped us.
Please, if you are willing, rejoice with us in welcoming this new baby February, 2016 and say a few prayers for this baby too.
God is the ultimate gift giver and children are an amazing gift to cherish.
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Amy Blomberg

There is a lot of rejoicing and praying going on over here! Love (all 5 of) you!!!!!!
LikeReplyMore4 minutes ago

August 19th

August 19th:
We have a little cat, we call meep... that's not her name per say but she responds to it. I've had her since late fall of 2001, so in June of 2016 she will be 15 years old.
She doesn't do much but sleep most of the day away. She doesn't play often but when she does it catches our attention. Two weeks ago she found one of Nola's marbles and was batting it around the house, it made me chuckle. When Nola got home from being gone for a week, I told her meep had stolen one of her marbles- she thought it was funny.
We bought a laser pen to try and get meep to play and she would but for limited amounts of time, which was so cute to see that kitten return to her tiring body. Meep limps around the house, I'm pretty sure she has arthritis. I used to put fish oil on her food to help with her joints but her protest made it clear that she wasn't into the new way of preparing her food.
When she was a kitten and just a younger age she used to cause mischief like most other cats do. It's been fun to dote upon those days since she isn't much like herself anymore.
I still love our little meep, she comes out and does her little pretty kitty routine on the floor If your sitting on the floor and she's been known to imitate Lily when she's on the floor, all for attention of course.
Though meep can't speak like we do, I know there's gratitude in her little cat heart. Pets, though they can be a lot of work, being a certain something to a home that I am grateful for.
Comment as Sara St.John...

August 18th

August 18th:
There is a stirring in all our spirits whether we realize it or not. There is an anxiousness deep with in each one of us. Something is coming.
With all the things happening in the world and in the United states- that aren't beneficial, to put it very mildly, there will be a back lash. How as a nation can we defy the one Who created us, not suffer a backlash or at least hear or see a warning shot from Him?
I will say, based on the trending of who actually reads these "journal" entries, this one will likely be the least read or heavily mocked or passed off. Jesus said, let those who have ears, hear. I pray we all have those spiritual ears. And that we would see too.
I've been burdened to share today. I've been burdened to share the need for Jesus with who ever will read this. Our nation has needed Him more now than ever. We can't afford to continue living the way we have- for our selves or treating the bible like it's a bag of trail mix, to pick and choose from and mix with other belief systems. God's word is a- either you're in or you're out. Plain and simple. And that twang of indignation you feel from reading that or hearing that from others is called conviction of sin. I used to get it too before I believed. I didn't want to listen either. In fact it made me mad! But until I realized that I had messed my life up with out God, I turned to Him, finally because He had already given me an infinite amount of chances through His Son, Jesus Christ.
We must be ready at all hours and at all costs because we just don't know when Jesus will return. We're being warned each day of the depraved state of our nation, all you have to do is turn on the news or spend a few minutes on social media. You'll see it. Sin is glorified everywhere- rather than God. God had been kicked to the curb along with morals and righteousness. And these new things that have replaced what God says is good has been masquerading as love or goodness. If you want to know what love is, look to the cross. If you want to know what goodness is look to Christ, ask Him to take over your life and He will work goodness into you through His holy spirit.
There is a stirring in our nation. As a Christian I am called to love everyone and I certainly do. I was once lost and somebody loved me enough to share Jesus with me. I just wanted to let you know, I love you too.
Things are not right here in the world or in our nation, it's time to turn to the only One who knows, Jesus.
May God bless you my friends...
Comment as Sara St.John...

August 17th

August 17th:
With preseason football underway I can't help but think about summer coming to a close and fall closing in on us. I love fall. The colors, the smells, the crock pot cranked on high with dinner in it... To me, that defines fall. Hoodie weather is great too. As much as I love my summer dresses and shorts and tank tops, there's something so wonderful about a hoodie and jeans. It's so comfortable.
There's a part in you've got mail when Meg Ryan's character talks about a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils and how much she loves New York in the fall. I've never been to New York but I understand what she means. The smell of the turning leaves falling from the trees, the crisp mornings where the air smells so fresh. I love it.
I just don't like what happens after all the leaves have fallen and a hoodie won't cut it for the temperatures outside. I try not to think about winter, as it is my least favorite of all. I merely survive it rather than thrive through it.
I even like all of the fall decorations. Fall is so symbolic of life. It makes me think of John 12:24, "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." Jesus said that. He was also referencing himself.
But if we don't go through fall, we don't have the beauty that follows in spring. Winter can be rough if you live in a colder region (ahem) but the beauty that unfolds once the snow melts- it's quite lovely, I look forward to it each year.
So here's to fall and all the beautiful colors! All the smells, the school buses and hoodie weather. A most colorful display of God's design.
Comment as Sara St.John...