The last 5 years have been a bit of a whirlwind to say the very least. January marked our 5th winter in this home, being the longest I've lived anywhere since moving out of my parents house on my 18th birthday. So for me, it was a landmark. I suppose you can say I've struggled to make a home anywhere for too long. And because God was the one that set aside this home for us in the first place, staying here this long wasn't a challenge.
I've spent the last week really digging into packing up the house for our move next week. It's been a bit emotional and definitely a reminder to take things down and dust them off every once in a while- haha! I've been walking around the house for the last couple of weeks trying to decide what can get packed up and what can stay out until the last minute. I've been setting aside things we can pass along, hopefully, to someone who needs the items. Then I began thinking about who we were when we moved in here. Our oldest would have just celebrated her 6th birthday, so that's what? Kindergarten? Wow! She's in 4th grade now. Cookiepants and her little brother weren't on the radar yet. We walked into the house as 3 people and are walking out as 5.
When we moved in here I was still young in my sobriety, though I already had some time under my belt. My husband was still working at the facility with troubled youth in his chosen social work field. And I, only had one book published- all the way back in 2008! Since being here I've established myself as a stay at home mom and author. An ever crazier fact, every book I've published, I've done so since Cookiepants was born! Imagine that. Being a special needs parent doesn't mean you have less of a life, it just means you work a bit harder for the life you want. It has been worth it!
Since we've been here I've embraced motherhood more than ever, being that I have 3 children instead of just one. I've learned that I'm able to take care of a special little person with extraordinary medical needs. I've learned more about marriage since I've been living here- that it's more about the other person than it is about you. And that next in line after God is my husband. I've learned what it truly means to feel alone, even when you're surrounded by other people. I've discovered who true friends are and that just because someone is blood related that it doesn't mean they're there for you. I've learned about the social media haze and what it can do to your life and how to break free from it. I've learned to live and let live, let go and let God- even when you're scared. I've learned the biggest risks often yield the greatest rewards, especially when they're taken in obedience to God. I've learned more so that health should be a top priority because if I'm not healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally) I can't take care of others.
Many tears have been shed here but there has been much laughter too. This is where I've grown the most. This is where I've plummeted to a place I wasn't sure I was going to crawl out of. This is where I leaned on Jesus just to get me through the day. This is where I've seen God's hand in more circumstances than I ever could have imagined. This is where I learned that God really is good. This is where I truly began to see God in everything.
I'm not sure what the road looks like ahead. I know we'll have struggles in the future because life has a way of throwing a curve ball. But because of everything I've learned while living here, I am confident that no matter what lay ahead God will be there. He already is there and it's going to be okay.
I pray for more laughter, more adventures and more fun. I pray for more teaching moments, more time with my Savior and seeing the hand of God in everything. I pray for choosing peace even when circumstances are pushing me toward chaos. I pray for thriving friendships, good times and being who God created us to be.
There will be a moment when the house is empty and I will look around and see the last 5 years pass through my mind. And though the road hasn't been easy, I will smile, look up and say: "Thank you Father for your goodness, you made this place a good home."
Have a blessed day friends!
Its beeen a pleasure learning and growing and multiplying with you here xoxo